Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Virginia Rometty

       On Tuesday, I.B.M. named current senior vice president Virginia Rometty to the position of chief executive.  Ms. Rometty has led divisions of the company during its shift to high profit services and products.  Rometty also managed the sales and mergers in fast-growing new markets.  This promotion elevates Rometty into one of the most prominent woman in corporate America.  From the article, it is said that Rometty was part of establishing I.B.M.’s emphasis on “selling business solutions, not just products.”  Rometty, a Northwestern graduate, has been with I.B.M. since 1981.  Since that time she has rapidly worked her way up the corporate ladder.  I.B.M. recently passed Microsoft as the second most valuable technology company.  This newly added pressure puts a large burden on the new chief executives shoulders. 
       When I applied Ms. Rometty to the major leadership traits, certain traits are clearly evident.  The first trait I recognized was her intelligence.  From the article, it was stated that Ms. Rometty was a graduate of Northwestern University.  She graduated with a degree in computer science.  This is an important leadership aspect because her intelligence is on the same level of her subordinates.  This allows easy communication and increases her ability to portray her ideas on others.  Another trait Rometty exhibits is sociability.  When faced with the tough task of convincing a newly acquired consulting firm, Rometty’s personality and ability to seek out a pleasant relationship sealed the deal.  George F. Colony, a chairman of research said, “Ginni Rometty combines performance and charisma.  She orchestrated a massive charm campaign to bring the PricewaterhouseCoopers people into the fold. That was the trial by fire for her.”  The last trait that Ms. Rometty exhibits is determination.  Throughout her years at I.B.M., Rometty has led many questioned changes in the way I.B.M. functions and markets itself.  An example was the coordinating of workers from a newly acquired consulting firm.  Many thought that the consultants, who preferred to operate independently, would leave the consulting firm rather than work under I.B.M.  Rometty worked tirelessly and effectively to win over the consultants.  Another obstacle Rometty has worked through has been the criticism of her hiring.  Many have questioned I.B.M.’s hiring of her as a socially progressive policy.  Rometty has ignored these statements and remains focused toward her responsibilities.  In my opinion, it is clear to see that regardless of her critics, Rometty has successfully lead change in her company.

From these examples do you believe Rometty has the correct skill set to lead I.B.M.?

If not, do you agree with critics when they say that Rometty’s hiring is no more than a socially progressive policy?

-Clay Gruenwald


  1. Clay - I also read this article in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday and found it very interesting. Though not nearly as significant - this is similar to Steve Jobs signining from Apple. A new CEO is coming into an organization that has a strong culture, and that could lead to some challenges - especially as a leader if change is needed. I think that you make very strong points about her skills. Personally I feel that Rometty has the skills to lead IBM successfully, but I could understand the opposite argument

    Kyle Burrows

  2. I think that an argument can be made that Rometty was a transformational leader with the PricewaterhouseCoopers business analysts. In the article it states "she, worked tirelessly and effectively to win over the consultants". She was very attentive to their needs, she realized that they were used to working independently and were now going to have to change. But she motivated them and led a successful transition into the company. She was very Charismatic as well, George F. Colony said so himself. She initiated "a massive charm campaign" to aid in wining over the hearts of the PricewaterhouseCoopers business analysts.
    Brittany Bowen
